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Aktuelle Informationen aus der vhs

vhs Thüngersheim

Unsere Außenstelle in Thüngersheim

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Englisch B1 Conversation in the Mornings
Mo. 19.02.2024 09:30

Would you like to practice speaking English and improve your skills? If you have finished the A2 level of English courses in the VHS or have a good foundation in English, then come to our class! Here you can learn English in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. In our discussions, we focus on current events and real-life situations, but we also review grammar, learn new vocabulary, and read and listen to texts. The teacher is a native speaker. Bitte mitbringen: Lehrbuch: "Key B1 - Aktuelle Ausgabe" (Cornelsen 978-3-06-020100-6).

Kursnummer 41484A-TH
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 101,00
Dozent*in: Maria Lehmann
15.05.24 00:48:31